Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plastic Surgery in Hollywood: A Mental Illness

Heidi Montag is a 23 year old "reality star" of "The Hills", the worst MTV show creation in history since "The Real World". A show that depicts the lives of young, rich, white kids that live and lounge in Orange County and West Hollywood, spending their purpose filled lives shopping and gossiping.

And if that has not already put you to sleep, "The City" will. "The City" is another show, depicting the idealized "Sex in the City"/ privileged-type lifestyle that is full of fashion world complexities that truly serve as "food for thought" for the next generation of MTV viewers ( i.e. the youth of America).

Heidi, who is only twenty-three, recently underwent ten plastic surgery procedures in one day, to alter her appearance so she can feel good about herself and deal with being in "the limelight." Her procedures included a brow lift, botox injections, fat injections in her cheeks, her chin shaved down, lips plumped, ears tucked back, and another boob job that puts her at a double F.

I ask you this: Was she really all that bad before?


I get vanity. Vanity I understand. Vanity ingrained in women, that too, I understand. Vanity is ingrained in men to a certain degree, that too, I get. Biologically we all want to look as decent as we can to attract a mate and make babies. Alright, I get it. Even animals in nature, like certain birds, puff out their chests and fan out their colorful feathers in hopes to catch a little glimmer of an eye and fertilize an egg or two.

Alright, that I can rationalize.

But this shit- I just don't understand.

I don't understand the OBSESSION, the sheer nut case OBSESSION with ageism and faking a youthful appearance as long as you can in Hollywood. Sure, we all want to age gracefully, but why can't we all just "let go and let God"? Personally, I don't want to be 19 again, and I do not need to look 19 either.

However, what is the source of this illness in Hollywood? An illness that would drive a 23 year old, who was perfectly fine and naturally beautiful, to alter herself so much so that she no longer looks like the same person?

One must hate themselves so much, inside and out, to no longer want to see their own face reflected back at them in the mirror any longer and ever again.

It is truly sad, and my heart goes out to Heidi, and all the others affected in Hollywood and to all the upper class who are affected by this illness and believe themselves to be associated with Hollywood.

Artistically, I don't understand plastic surgery in Hollywood. When I think of the early glamour days of Hollywood, I see actors that aged, and aged gracefully. I see actors that kicked ass and were "ready for their close-ups" until the very end of their careers. Actors were unique, and all distinct from one another. Their voices, the looks in their eyes, and their "inner" qualities as actors is what anxiously drew you to the movies with your popcorn in hand.

Hollywood has completely lost that. Red carpet events are mere competitions for "who can look exactly like the next chick, but a tad better, and a little bit more nipped and tucked."

Did Marilyn Monroe nip and tuck? A size 16, she was a goddess. No botox there. Actors can not even make proper expressions and animate themselves anymore like they used to BECAUSE of botox injections.

How does that make sense, artistically?

And if Hollywood's main job is to pump out B- movies to the masses, why does it matter so much?

Would you really stop watching films if actors looked their ages? Would you really stop watching movies if actresses were at a healthy weight, had a few wrinkles, and had a normal looking chest?

Would you.....


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union: Obama is on Fiya!

Even though I hate Obama's stance on education, I must say, I love him for pretty much everything else. Tonight's speech was animated, down to earth, and at times humorous and inspiring. We once again have an articulate and intelligent President.

I especially loved how he put the Supreme Court in their places and how the camera went straight to their shameful faces. Brilliant! I also liked what he had to say about community colleges, Pell Grant increases, Federal regulations on corporations, an end to tax breaks for big businesses and the wealthy, gays in the military, and clean energy.

However I wish he was more clear on his health care legislation. What does it entail and when we will we see this legislation in the flesh?

I think this was the best speech we have all heard in eight years. Its funny how no body criticized the monkey speeches we heard for eight years as much as people are criticizing tonight's speech. I find it truly insulting as an American to hear political analysists label Obama as "too arrogant and intellectual." Its even more upsetting especially since no one called Bush a "F*cking Retard" on national t.v., as they should have.

And in regards to the GOP response..... is it just me, or did the coverage of the GOP response by Virginia's governor strategically place some token minorities in the background? I love how as the camera finishes zooming in on him all you can see is a black lady on one side, and an asian dude on the other.

Uhhhh yeah, let's all sing Kumbaya with the Republicans and roast marshmellows around our campfire of warm hearted diversity because we all know thats what they are all about.

Nigga pleeeaasseee.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Corporate Campaign Finance: The Supreme Court Spits on the American Voter

"The jaws of power are always open to devour,and her arm is always stretched out, if possible,to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing." - John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President

As we have all heard, the Supreme Court ruled last week corporations can contribute limitless funds to political campaigns and can not be prohibited from using their own money to produce and run campaign ads that urge the election or defeat of particular candidates by name.

For average American Citizens, this is a huge blow. Our "representative democracy" is already on shaky ground, especially when politicians can pull "gansta" moves and steal elections (i.e. the 2000 election"), but this Supreme Court decision truly sucks away the voices of American voters. If our founding fathers were still alive they would adamantly speak out against this and further reiterate that this decision is not what they had in mind for our supposed Democracy, as it truly overrides the "rights of individuals".

Corporations are not individuals, and should not be put in that category when it comes to campaign finance. Granted, I can "donate" some of my own pocket change to a campaign, but granted its only pocket change. I can not compete with a giant corporation full of power suited individuals whose ultimate interest is what is best for the corporation, and not what is best for America, the enviornment, and little people like myself.

It's looking less and less like America every day, and more and more like Rome. And we all know how that story ended.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama's Segregation of America's Schools

"A nation under a well regulated government, should permit none to remain uninstructed. It is monarchical and aristocratical government only that requires ignorance for its support." -Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1792

It is ironic that America's first African American president is pro-segregation of schools. De-Facto segregation, but segregation nonetheless.

It's called "Race to the Top" and it is a legislation package that builds upon the errors of the Bush Administration's "No Child Left Behind". States can apply for additional Federal education grants if they adhere to certain guidelines and "reforms" which include more data driven teaching, charter schools, and teacher merit pay.

Obama claims “This competition will not be based on politics, ideology or the preferences of a particular interest group,” but anyone with half a brain can see that statement is really what it's all about. HELLO, Charter Schools!!! Uh duh, I think its sort of an interest to them, no?

Obama's ideas about schools competing for students, and states competing for funds is truly disheartening. Education is not a business. This is the primary reason why certain individuals become avoid the idle trappings of Corporate America. The cubicle. The loss of personality. The ladder climb. The promotion. The kissing of ass. We don't care about making money. We don't care about products, pie charts, and power suits. We play golf on the weekends, and not during our work hours. What we care about are people, the preservation of the human brain, and the Human Spirit.

Obama's race to the top just adds insult to injury. Our educational system already hangs by threads and the problem is not teachers. There are many problems. It's a mainstream American culture that does not value education, does not value reading books, or being an authentic individual. Its the continual dumbing down of America that is on the television, on the radio....and then students are expected to understand and appreciate "classics" and sit in history class and grasp rights they think they have no use for. It's also poverty and the continuous cycle of the uneducated family in inner cities....and even elsewhere. It's parents not being held accountable for bringing life into this society. And it's the carrots that dangle much higher for South Central students than the ones in Beverly Hills.

Obama- the dude I thought that would be all "power to the people" and stuff. Merit pay? Let's just call it "Keep the Status-Quo" pay. Let's just keep all the rich schools fully funded and looking good, and punish all the bad schools for being minorities and poor and vulnerable to Vulture Charter schools who smell cash and can rip off a shaky situation and pump out some fake pie charts while they are at it. Charter schools can not do anything revolutionary. They are in the business of business and they are not educators. They do not tackle the real issues. It is like having the flu and having some dummy put Vicks on your knee and say how much progress your making now with your illness.

A teacher can work ten times harder than a teacher in a white rich neighborhood, and can still have poor numbers. That teacher is by no means a failure, by no means deserves lesser pay, and by no means should vote for Obama next time around.

Everyone knows that merit pay, numbers, data, standardized tests, no child left behind....all that stuff....its all bullshit. Everyone knows that. Including Obama. You can not "quantify" teacher performance.

Numbers don't mean anything, and they certainly do not have enough weight to judge a whole system and its teachers. If you want to judge teacher performance, go sit and observe one.

In Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), the Court recognized that "education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments."

However, I propose that instead of wasting time on anti-gay amendments to the constitution, let's work at drafting a constitutional amendment of Equal Education.

It just makes sense, even to the corporate of greedy. How can you have a competitive nation otherwise?

Equal schools, Equal funding, Equal Chance: Period.

Of all should have been that one person Obama. A whole campaign was based on "Change" and "Hope", yet the reality is nothing near that. We can't have change and hope without a fair and equal educational system. One in which values it's teachers who in turn value the students, whom in reality are the future of this nation.

Gee, funny when you think of that way, huh?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Disservices of Reality T.V.

And yes, there are many. Not only do "reality" shows disservice the people who waste time watching them, but they also disservice the people who star on them since a main side affect of staring on your own show is a HUGE false sense of self-importance since none (I mean none) of these people have any real talents/intelligence/gifts whatsoever.

Like seriously, who are these people.....really? The Goslings/lady with the bad hair cut who pumped out eight kids, the Kardashian lawyer daughters who have big booties, the Italiatards from "Jersey Shore", the boring spoiled rich kids from "The Hills", the obnoxious foul-mouthed clubber chicks from "The Bad Girls Club ", the rejects on competitive dating shows....the list goes on really.

Most of these shows seem to glorify the mundane, the idiotic stupor, and the monkey-like behavior that a civilized society would typically try to down play.... at least on the air waves. If your going to give me violence and hot chicks, atleast give it to me in an action movie. Jesus.

Didnt T.V. watching used to be an escape from so called reality? A mind numbing activity where you can watch good natured shows that atleast have story lines, plots with rising and falling actions, climaxes, and real actors?

An activity where you can atleast use three brain cells instead of one and try to figure out what the leading Hero does next instead of wondering.......Gee.....whats Kim going to do with her little chihuahua tomorrow?

The suspense of this brain teaser is killing me.

Major Networks: STOP TRYING TO MAKE US ALL RETARDED AND GIVE US BACK T.V. PROGRAMMING THAT IS WORTH WATCHING.....and please.....please ditch the whole "rich white glamorous"theme. We're in a fucking recession. It's annoying.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Meet Andy Warhol slash Madonna, or Britney Spears, or The Pussy Cats Dolls...or...gee...any other "Pop Diva" topping the so called charts. Is it just me, or is anyone else irritated that once revered terms such as "artist" and "musician" are thrown around in such ways that mistakenly label people who are hired by big record companies to pump out CDs?

I don't see how being an "artist" or "musician" would suggest that the focal requirement be to dance around naked, thrust around and simulate sex, and sing sexually charged lyrics. Because wow...that is so revolutionary. So mind bogglingly original.

Lady Gaga.... don't peg yourself as a "performance artist". You're hot, you're sexy, but you belong in porn. And hey, that's okay. Its called compartmentalization and thats the box that you, and all the other "pop ho's" belong in. Quite frankly, our youth are being brainwashed to some how think that pelvic thrusting and songs about "da club " contain "artistic value".

Just call it what it is people.

Sex sells.

Real art usually does not.