Monday, October 18, 2010

The Blame Game-Scapegoating Teachers

I just read a great article in this months CTA magazine that says everything myself and other teachers have been thinking and discussing, however this is the first time I have actually seen it in print in such a straight forward manner.

"The Blame Game" reveals the real reason why teachers are being scapegoated for the problems in public education: To attack unions in the effort to destroy them so they no longer exist, therefore turning schools over to the private sector with the agenda to run them like a business.

BAM. There. In print. Thank you.

Its crazy because my step dad, who has taught for how many billions of years, has been saying this forever and a day.

The article also mentions, that the other main reason is to take attention away from REAL SOCIAL ISSUES, like "poverty, housing, unemployment, health care, immigration( CTA Vol.15 Issue 2 pg. 28)."

The article debunks myths from the new movie "Waiting for Superman", which paints the (in reality ineffective) charter school as the hero. In a country where supposedly numbers means sooooo much in Education and rating teachers, its just so funny that real statistical data which shows that charter schools fair NO BETTER than traditional public schools goes ignored, completely.

Its also disappointing that Oprah had a show all about the film and silenced a real teacher who was asked to speak on the show and give a real teacher perspective on classroom realities and the importance of effective unionization.

It's interesting stuff, exciting stuff, and its refreshing and a relief to know that unions exist, that the writers for CTA have a brain, and that there is a debate and a battle that I hope continues to grow and take more momentum.

United we Stand.